Conflict Minerals Policy

LINBRAZE sustains the fight against the violence, the violation of the human rights and the environmental degrade in the extraction and trade of some minerals (cassiterite, columbite-tantalite and wolframite from which gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten derive) coming from the African area of the Great Lakes defined as “Conflict Region”. This region includes the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the adjoining countries. The profits from the extraction and trade of these mineral finance armed groups and they contribute to the occurrence of inhuman treatments, like the traffic of human beings, the slavery, the forced labor and/or child labor, the torture and the war crimes in the “Conflict Region”.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted final rules to implement reporting and disclosure requirements related to conflict minerals, as directed by the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Section 1502” of 2010. The rules require that the manufacturers communicate if their products contain “Conflict Minerals” that are “necessary for the functionality or the production” of those products.

LINBRAZE makes a commitment to:

- don’t supply intentionally materials and components containing the 3TG metals coming from mines and smelters of the “Conflict Region” that are not certified as “Conflict Free”

- to assure the conformity to such requisite, to require to its own suppliers to undertake a suitable survey with their supply chains to assure that the 3TG metals are originate only from: -mines and smelters out of the “Conflict Region” -mines and smelters certified as “Conflict Free” from an independent third body if located inside the “Conflict Region”

The objective is to guarantee that in the products and in the processes are used only materials and components “Conflict Free”. In case of we have notice that an any material, part or component purchased by LINBRAZE use minerals extracted or refined in structures NOT “Conflic Free” appropriate actions will be implemented for the purpose to make the product “Conflict Free.”