Silver Brazing pastes for carbide tungsten

Tungsten carbide components are commonly joined to steels

Brazing tungsten carbide is a very easy and reliable process

controlled formulation that ensures consistent application and keeps paste alloy localized in the joint area

Cadmium free Silver alloys are appreciated for excellent mechanical properties and bear good wetting characteristics. These are preferably used for brazing hard metals to steel mountings. Addition of nickel and manganese improves wettability on tungsten and molybdenum materials. Joint-brazing at working temperatures of max. 200 C without loss in strength. The above list is a standard range of our regular production, for any special request please do not hesitate to contact us directly or through our consultants.

Heat sources: acetylene torch, induction and resistance heating, vacuum furnace

TO 425

Ag 25% Cu 38% Zn 33% Ni 2% Mn 2%

ISO3677: B-Cu38ZnAgNiMn-705/800

TO 427

Ag 27% Cu 38% Zn 20% Ni 5,5% Mn 9,5%

ISO3677: B-Cu38AgZnMnNi-680/830

TO 440

Ag 40% Cu 30% Zn 28% Ni 2%

ISO3677: B-Ag40CuZnNi-670/780

TO 449

Ag 49% Cu 16% Zn 23% Ni 4,5% Mn 7,5%

ISO3677: B-Ag49ZnCuMnNi-680/705

TO 450

Ag 50% Cu 20% Zn 28% Ni 2%

ISO3677: B-Ag50CuZnNi-660/705

TO 454

Ag 54% Cu 40% Zn 5% Ni 1%

ISO3677: B-Ag54CuZnNi-720/855

TO 456

Ag 56% Cu 42% Ni 2%

ISO3677: B-Ag54CuNi-770-895

TO 556

Ag 56% Cu 27% Ni 2,5% In 14,5%

ISO3677: B-Ag56CuNiIn-600/710

TO 564

Ag 64% Cu 26% Ni 2% Mn 2% In 6%

ISO3677: B-Ag64CuNiMnIn-730/780

TO 463

Ag 63% Cu 28,5% Ni 2,5% Sn 6%

ISO3677: B-Ag63CuSn-690/800

TO 485

Ag 85% Mn 15%

ISO3677: B-Ag85Mn-960/970